Wednesday, December 19, 2012

a new favorite song

I was in Nebraska for a few weeks in November and my Mom, sister, & sister-in-law went shopping on  Thanksgiving night, aka Turquoise Thursday.(Lori says it's going to catch on so just go with it)  :)

I was not really in the market for anything specific but I did browse the $5 CD bin to see what they had.  One of the CD's I ended up purchasing was Carrie Underwood's Blown Away album.

Since I had a 13 hr drive home that Sunday, I popped in the CD and found a new favorite song.  It really touched me at that moment because I had just been home to Nebraska and needed that trip desparately because I was pretty homesick.  Although Lincoln wasn't my home growing up, the message holds true for me when I think about my amazing family and friends still in my life in Nebraska.  Even when I cross the NE/KS border into NE, my heart gets so excited even though I have a few hours left of my journey.

I hope it touches you like it did to me.  It's worth a listen.

"Thank God for Hometowns"

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