Wednesday, October 27, 2010

and the "trauma" begins

If you recall from my last post, I vaguely mentioned some "trauma" that was going to be happening in my near future...Well ~ It has arrived. My hubby left this morning at 7am for California for his first section of field training. He'll spend time in CA, then head to Idaho, then to Colorado, then back to California, scheduled to return to Santa Fe on January 14th.
WHAT??!! January 14th?...seriously, I already miss him like CRAZY! :) The trauma and tears started this morning as Stuart and I waved goodbye to Mike as he started his 10 hr drive to CA. I'm sure there will be a few more tears shed b/t now and January 14th.

It sounds like Mike may hopefully have a few days off around Christmas time and I'll be able to see him when I go to his parents for Christmas...but in his line of work, plans can change in the blink of an eye so I'll be hopefully optimistic that I'll get to see him around Christmas time.

So ~ what are my plans while Mike is away?
* Fill up my "social" calendar as best I can ~ I have plans for tomorrow and next Wed-Fri so I'm doing pretty well in that regard. :)
* Possibly do some painting ~ however I'm not sure Mike trusts me to do any major painting so I'm going to give two of the bathrooms a try.
* Gym, Gym, and more gym ~ I haven't got completely back on the work-out wagon since leaving MD so I'm going to get myself on a consistent schedule, starting TOMORROW! I decided I'm going to be in mourning tonight over my husband's absence. :)
* I'll be spending a couple weeks in NE around Thanksgiving.
* I'll be spending a week in WY(Mike's parents) around Christmas time.
* I think I'm going to take up a new hobby ~ leather work. I did a very small amount of leather work when I was younger and I think I want to pick it back up again.

That's all I have planned for now.
If you have any great ideas, pass them along!


Janna said...

Oh, I'm so sad for you! That is a long separation, especially right over the holidays. I think that is awesome to get lots of projects lined up to keep you busy. And I must say, although bathrooms are small, they are a PAIN, there is so much stuff to paint around, toilets to remove . . . I would do a nice square box shaped room if I were you. ;o) But then again, learning how to remove and refasten toilet tanks MIGHT make the time go faster. Hopefully I'll see you over Thanksgiving for the hoe-down? ;o)

Anonymous said...

If you find you really get into the leather working thing let me know Kirsten. As you know Grandpa had quite a setup not to mention tools and patterns. Grandpa would love for you to have some. Love you and thinking of you and Mike. Just think about the reunion and that will make you smile!