Mike has the camera with all of the pics from Mara's wedding so I'll blog about that a little later.
For now ~ the COUNTDOWN begins to Thursday, May 5th. Nothing too special happening, just my 30th birthday!! YIKES. I'm trying not to freak out about it yet and hopefully won't. I'm pretty sure I had a breakdown and cried for my 25th so I'm hoping that won't happen.
What are the birthday plans, you ask... Well, we both have to work Thursday but we'll be eating dinner at La Choza that evening with friends. We will then leave soon after to head to Sedona, AZ for a vacation. I'm looking forward to a bunch of hiking, possibly some bike riding, seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time on this vacation, and spending time with and relaxing with the hubs.
Mike told me it'll be the best birthday I've ever had. Not sure if he has something up his sleeve or is just trying to keep me from crying. :) That's quite a statement to live up to because I've had 29 birthday's already.
This may be the first but certainly is not the last post about turning the "dirty thirty." (as my friend Aubrey called it)
I have to say--I was sad to leave the 20's behind--but 30 was one of my best birthdays. Each day and year we're given is truly a blessing. Hope your birthday ends up an awesome day for you!
As soon as you turn 30, you never again age! I have been 30 for the last 3 years and don't plan on aging ever again! :-)
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