Monday, August 23, 2010

Operation 'Get Kirsten & pups ready to leave on Saturday' is in full force

I survived my Monday in the office after being out for 4 days. Now I have to kick it into gear to get myself ready to go to NE on Saturday.(Mike is leaving later in Sept) How do you plan for a month living out of a bag in NE and a Vegas trip thrown in the mix?...this'll be some interesting packing.

But before Operation "Get Kirsten ready" is in full swing, I wanted to share our news about our new house. YAY!! We were in Santa Fe last Tues-Sat searching for a new home and we had success. And I think I'm going to just love Santa's beautiful, we can drive 5 minutes from north Santa Fe and we're in the mountains, ski resort is 25 minutes away, Santa Fe takes such pride in their history and culture, also takes much pride in preserving the outdoors & the views(they have very few street lights in the neighborhoods because they want people to enjoy the stars), & it's very dog friendly...amongst many, many other things! I think we'll fit right in and enjoy all Santa Fe has to offer.

Here is a pic of our house in Santa Fe and we close at the end of September.

I'm off to get packing and get my portion of the cleaning done. :)

1 comment:

Janna said...

Woohoo!!! I can't wait to see inside photos--and now you can start furniture collecting too! ;o)
Hope all goes well in your move--it all sounds like borderline chaos but I'm sure it will all work out (or at the very least you'll get some good blog stories about how murphy's law was in full force). ;o) Take care!