Saturday, August 6, 2011

hodge podge of the latest Carp family happenings

Last Friday, we went to the Santa Fe Opera ~ first time either of us have been to an Opera. I think we both agree the best part of the Opera was the 2 hr tailgate prior to. :) There was about 15 of us or so that tailgated and then attended the Opera. We saw Griselda and left at didn't start until 9pm, it wasn't horrible but it was a little "dry," and since Mike's head was bobbing within the first 5 minutes, we decided to leave at intermission with a bunch of other people. The Santa Fe Opera facility is incredible. It's covered but it's all open-air and just lovely with wonderful views.

A proper tailgate involves a portable grill, brats, wine, and heels & dresses??!

Relaxing with friends and enjoying the tail gate and beauty of NM before the Opera.

It's monsoon season in Santa Fe so in the evenings the clouds roll in and make for amazing skies. I think this one is especially pretty.
This last week, Mike had inservice with all the NM BLM Rangers and Agents. On Thursday, he did a demonstration for the BLM state office employees and everyone at the inservice, along with any family members(that's me!).

Here's Mike...

Here is Ranger biting the Special Agent in Charge of NM. They did a role play situation in which he pushed Mike and Ranger took off after him.
Ranger says, "Don't mess with my daddy or I'll take you down punk!" I plan to never be in that bite suit!!

I was looking through some of Mike's pictures from his K9 training in OH. One night, they did pool/water work so here they are playing in the water.

This was after Ranger did his bite work in the water. He got to take the bite sleeve as a "reward." :) (that's what's laying next to him) I guess it was difficult to get Ranger out of the water because he loved it so much.

And my newest love ~ we traded in our Mazda 3 last night for a Nissan Juke, aka the Jukester. I was so obsessed with this vehicle that I didn't care how impractical a decision it was. We basically got our way in the entire deal so we are the proud owners of this mini-SUV! Hmm...where should I drive it to this afternoon??

1 comment:

Janna said...

I have never in my life heard of tail-gating an opera! That is funny! Lovely new vehicle, have lots of fun. ;o)