Tuesday, February 15, 2011

BLM swearing in

Yesterday afternoon was Mike's formal swearing in ceremony for BLM. He was sworn in back in October before he left for training but yesterday there was an official ceremony. They had snacks, cake, and everything!
[The woman is the Director of NM BLM, the guy in the light grey shirt is the NM State Ranger, and the guy in the vest is the SAC(Special Agent in Charge) for this region.] I'm not really clear why I had to stand up there with him but I was there for moral support!
Look - I even dressed in brown for the occasion! I even showered and dressed for the day ~ If you ever have worked from home you know what I'm talking about.

Since we had special plans last Friday at Ojo Caliente(which was fantastic by the way), we stayed at home for Valentine's Day. We had shrimp fondue and strawberries with chocolate fondue. It was DEEE-licious!

That is quite a chocolate-covered strawberry you have there Mike. YUM!

Stuart looking depressed because he didn't have a valentine. Poor guy! So - Stuart became my valentine back-up. Such a cutie-pie he is!!

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